Mad About Marketing Consulting Packages for
Start-Ups & SMEs*
In support of small business owners and start-ups, we are happy to offer the following exclusively for you:
Businesses with less than 1 million* in annual profit
Start-up Module Package starting from SGD$5xxx** as follows:
Brand proposition
Logo, tagline
Website***, including SEO optimization
Social media channels set up x 2
Email newsletter/promotional message
Design included
Overall marketing plan
Monthly Maintenance Package starting from SGD$3xxx** as follows:
Website content updating or Weekly organic content posting for website
SEO optimization
Weekly organic content/promotional posts for 2 social channels
Social media management
1 Email newsletter/PR/media distribution
Design included
Advice on media and audience targeting strategies or management of paid media plans
Special pure advisory package from SGD$1xxx for 6 hours of consult with recommended implementation actions on any of below areas of concern. Discount of 10% with min 2 areas of concerns booked and total 20% for all 5 areas booked:
Customer Engagement & Experience
Personal Social Branding & Profiling
Social Media
Strategic Communications
Change Management
Click here for our credentials. Contact us now and quote “the package you are keen on” in the message box.If you require funding, we can help with fundraising advisory and matchmaking you to potential investors on a 1:1 basis till a match is secured. Contact us for more details.
If you’re more just looking for a place to start by featuring your fundraising request to a marketplace, sign up here to get 15% off the sign up fee.
For more mature SMEs, Enterprises and Large Corporates, we encourage you to check out our Core Advisory Services here.
*Less than SGD 1 million in annual profit.
**We don’t charge GST.
***If you have an existing website, we can review and suggest enhancements for better customer experience and fit; else, we can swap it out for another area of focus like paid media strategy/content strategy/social strategy instead.