Helping Employees Cope with Transitions & Transformation

When companies go through transformation and restructuring, it’s almost inevitable that some roles might be displaced. Similar to coping with loss and grief, some employees are more emotionally and mentally impacted than others, be it whether they are the ones being displaced or seeing their peers or managers being displaced.

Just based on personal experience of what’s been done well and what has room for improvement, companies who are truly people centric will try to do the following to help their employees:

1) redesign the roles that are to be displaced and work with the employees to reskill and realign to the new scope if possible

2) help the displaced employees to look for alternative roles within the organization and options for them to be reskilled if needed

3) help the displaced employees to look for roles outside of the organization and options for reskilling, coaching, counselling and resume reviews where needed.

I have intentionally positioned this in sequential order as I think companies should ideally start from 1) and utilize 3) as the very last resort. I recall when I was involved in a transformation exercise in a previous company, I had to go through this flow and after discussing with the direct manager and CEO potential options, I eventually went with 2) for the employee concerned as it was simply the right thing to do in order to be truly people centric and empathetic. Also from a business viability perspective, as long as your company is still planning to remain in business, you will save more time, resources and money with 1) and 2) as the recruitment as well as onboarding process usually take an average of 6 months to a year in totality, depending on the seniority of the role.

There is a reason why certain talents are hired to join you in the first place and it should go beyond their hard skills or academic background to the soft skills. These employees should also have accumulated new skills and knowledge with you as their employer over the years. If you say these are no longer needed, it’s as good as shooting yourself in the foot and saying you have basically not done a good job with developing your own employees with viable skills to help your company’s growth. The question then you also need to ask yourself is - what have you been doing all this while? What processes then do you need to relook to improve upon that?

In terms of employees who are impacted by other employees leaving in option 2) and 3), it is ideal for companies and their senior leadership to be both transparent and timely in communicating such impact to them. Openly acknowledge the decisions made and consult the outplaced employee beforehand as well if he/she would prefer to be present when the news is shared or would prefer to be the one sharing the news to his/her team concerned.

Importantly, acknowledge the contributions of the displaced employee and be transparent as well if the remaining employees are to expect further displacements to take place. Be upfront of the options explored and offered as well, so they know what to expect if their own roles are likely to be transformed or made obsolete during the transformation process.

Be sure to avail avenues of two-way communications to them, be it directly to the senior leadership or an independent channel similar to a counselling hotline for those who just want a listening ear to voice their fears and distress.

Companies and their leaders should always bear in mind that their decisions and actions, including the way they have handled the entire process and managed the communications will have a downstream impact on their employer brand reputation. Such impact is often longstanding and no amount of employer related awards can help salvage once the damage is done.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.


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