Affordable Marketing transformation services by Mad About Marketing Consulting
It was good till we tried to use it and realize it was not tested enough and didn’t live up to expectations

Our Services

We offer the following services as part of how we can work with you in your transformation or go-to-market journey

  • Marketing advisory and consultations across of Asia-Pacific

  • Pain point discovery and ideation workshopping sessions

  • Employee education and enablement sessions

  • Industry or company wide speaking engagements*

    *Be it for me to speak and/or to help you curate a panel/topic and source for speakers

People Transformation & Change Management

Change can be a scary thing because by force of nature and habit, most people thrive on familiarity.

Be it a new process, a new platform/tool or even change of leadership, all this changes can be daunting to many employees, regardless of their seniority.

Mad About Marketing Consulting can advise on a communications and change process framework, playbooks and toolkits to help you navigate such changes with empathy and with as minimal disruption as possible to your business-as-usual operations for your marketing and client-facing teams.

Being a passionate advocate of marketing as a Sales Enabler, We also help with Marketing and Sales alignment and front-office as well as marketing team enablement. This is to ensure employees can cope with transitions more seamlessly.

As companies evolve their digital capabilities, enablement and a supportive change framework is even more important.

Brand Transformation

Brand is the soul of your company but sometimes, the soul loses its way for various reasons. Whether you have been in business for years or months, your brand is one of the most important aspects of what your business represents to your target customers.

It might have been that with time and changing customer demand, expansion in plans, offerings or even geolocations, you needed to pivot from your original proposition and as a result your brand has become diluted, confused or even outdated.

Brand goes beyond just a logo, visual, tagline and colour. It is the value proposition behind the why, what and how. Mad About Marketing Consulting can help you rediscover and rework your value proposition, remap your customer targeting strategies and work with your existing (or recommend new) creative agencies to help redefine or refresh your brand strategy, including brand building, reputational management and social profiling.

Brand management is an ongoing exercise and doesn’t only come in handy when you have a crisis to resolve. It certainly doesn’t stop at that one or two major campaigns you launched and call it good.

Customer Engagement & Content Transformation

When it comes to retention and loyalty, many organizations under index on loyalty and retention, choosing to over index on acquisition instead. Customer portfolio expansion proves to be challenging in the face of the fickle-minded consumer faced with multitude of similar choices out there.

If you really look at your annual churn rate versus the investment dollar spent on acquiring new customers, you might not like what you see…

Mad About Marketing Consulting can help you deep dive into the key focus areas to look at addressing churn, customer pain points, value proposition and why three key aspects should play a big part of our overarching value proposition - 1) Content, 2) Customer Engagement and 3) Employee Enablement.

For B2B organizations who are keen to be more targeted in their client land and expand approach, we can also help with Account-Based Marketing advisory.

MarTech Transformation

When looking at your MarTech stack, it’s not about the latest shiny new tools to purchase. It’s both a tech and marketing decision to be made as the technology needs to be aligned with your existing tools, processes and platforms.  

Just as digital transformation needs to be looked at from end to end, MarTech transformation as well needs a holistic overview to ensure Marketing doesn’t get left behind.

Mad About Marketing Consulting can help review your current MarTech needs alongside your processes, how you should be measuring success with them and what you need to upskill your team, based on your needs and current limitations.

As part of the implementation process, we can advise on guardrails, pitfalls and opportunities to help maximize your investment based on experience working with these tools from an insider’s perspective. Importantly is to bridge the communications between marketing, business and technology to ensure alignment. We can recommend enhanced or new processes, platforms and people skills needed.

Social Brand & Profiling Transformation
Media, Crisis Communications & Strategic Communications

As brands move into different social channels, they can find themselves in a somewhat dystopia state in terms of the way they are communicating across the different channels.

Often times, they also make the mistake of using the exact same content across platforms, be it LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Tik Tok.

On the other hand, consistent media engagement and profiling can help enhance your brand reputation in more ways than you can imagine, giving you organic in-bound business leads and opportunities. It’s as critical as ensuring your have a crisis communications protocol and media handling framework so your brand ratings don’t fall through the cracks when something breaks.

Mad About Marketing Consulting can help you to review your current social media and PR/media brand and profiling approach, your overarching strategy and crisis communications framework as well as social media reputational management to ensure it is still meeting your value proposition and business objectives.

For those who are looking to dive a little further, we can explore ways to introduce social advocacy across your organization at large for social selling.

Customer Experience Transformation
Digital and Mobile Channel Optimization

Good customer experience is more than just ensuring your touchpoints are accessible or that your front liners are polite. It needs to be a holistic and integrated experience that straddles across processes, platforms and people. 

It requires empathy, design thinking and an innate curiosity coupled with genuine appetite for how to make things work better for both your employees and your customers.  With good experience being almost a basic requirement in some more sophisticated consumer markets, how then do you differentiate yourself better?

Mad About Marketing Consulting can help you redesign and rework your customer experience and digital/mobile channel management + optimization approach and realignment with your total value proposition. We can also work with your existing (or recommend new) tools and agencies to help with enablement, automation and measurement.

Same goes for digital and mobile channel optimization to ensure you are maximizing your channel targeting strategy for cross-selling and upselling. Having a web or social presence is not good enough.

Go-To-Market and Market Expansion

If you are just starting out in Singapore or if you are an overseas business looking to market to customers in Singapore and across of Asia-Pacific, we can help! We have a pulse check on the sentiments in the Asian market, especially the consumer market, its cultural nuances, preferences and localization preferences.

We offer localized marketing set-up structures on a retainer or contractual basis, go-to-market planning, including setting up and management of your digital (web, social and/or mobile) presence, brand narrative, advertising, promotions, launch event and customer acquisition approach.

How We Work

For Marketing Advisory and Consultation Services - Submit Your Request > Consult Call > Recap and Agreement > Scoping + Proposal > Deep Dives > Proposed Plan > Implementation > Review/Debrief

For Other Services - Submit Your Request > Consult Call > Proposed Agenda and Agreement > Implementation > Review/Debrief

*All clients will sign a mutual non disclosure agreement (NDA) before we proceed for scoping/agreement for confidentiality purposes and to avoid conflict of interests.

Special rates and packages available for Start-Ups (less than 1 Million annual revenue), Charities, Non-Profit Organizations, Healthcare and Educational Institutions.