Communications Made Complex by Colleagues?

In my years of managing and navigating various corporate structures, be it leading organizational transformation or being part of a cog in the wheel of change, I have learnt that:

  • changes are often made more complicated than usual due to people

  • this complication increases even more when these people get caught up in less than ideal processes

  • add politics to the fold and you get lots of resistance, inertia, quiet quitters or passive-aggressive behaviour

I have had my fair share of being the wide eye doe, especially during the earlier days of my career when I thought naively that everyone should see the newbie (aka me) as being harmless.

It took me a good five years at least to wise up about a thing or two and not take things to heart when the going gets tough.

That is why I place huge emphasis on internal communications at the following levels when it comes to transformation of any sort:

  • organization-wide

  • within departments and teams

  • between managers and their one-downs

  • amongst working peers

  • across functional lines, regardless of seniority

The importance of internal communications and internal stakeholder management includes making an effort to strengthen one’s interpersonal skills.

It is not so much about whether one is an extrovert or introvert. Good interpersonal skills comes with being able to connect and communicate with empathy, active listening and having the bigger picture in mind of what you are trying to achieve.

Just always bear in mind that majority of people are innately fearful of change, disruptions to the familiar and protective of what they care about. Thus, when we are the ones responsible for implementing and communicating that change, we should be prepared for resistance, complications, and people going out of the way to make it almost impossible for you to achieve what you want.

Also important to keep in mind - it’s nothing personal; it’s just business. Focus on establishing that position of trust, impartiality and highlighting the benefits to those impacted by the change.

It takes time, patience, conviction and confidence, and resist playing petty politics.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting

Ally and Advisor for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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