Jaslyin Qiyu Jaslyin Qiyu

What I learnt from my Late Father About Women’s Rights

Seeing it’s International Women’s Day tomorrow, I just wanted to share my personal thoughts about this Global Day that dates back to the early 1900s.

I am thankful that I am born and raised in a country where both women and men enjoy equal opportunity and gender is not something we have been made to be super self conscious about in our daily lives.

In fact, I grew up in a household where though my mum was a home maker during the years we were in school, my dad never once made me feel inferior just because I am female. He never used gender as a reason to push back on me for things that I wanted to do but he was not supportive of and never showed any form of bias when interacting with me and my brother. Thus growing up, I was never that conscious of this gender disparity, which ironically became evident to me only after I started out in the workforce.

During the course of my career, I have been involved in setting up women programs and had the chance to work with influential and powerful women leaders. I have also met a few who have supported me in my career alongside men of course. I personally think there’s nothing more encouraging and powerful than seeing women supporting other women. Not in a biased “all men suck and women are better” kind of way but simply in making an effort to mentor, coach or give other women a helping hand in a professional or social setting when you know that it would make a huge difference to them in crossing that important milestone of their life.

On the same note, I can also not think of anything worse than women being biased against other women, consciously or unconsciously. Statements like “oh lady bosses are usually like that” or “I don’t like working under a lady boss because they usually emotion-driven” and often vocalized by women themselves to me are far worse.

Don’t get me wrong as I think ultimately, it’s about meritocracy and may the best person “win” but I do think we need to ask ourselves a few hard questions as to just how far have we progressed since the 1900s?

Is it good enough to have a woman at the very top of your organization but with the majority of your management still being men?

Is it good enough that till today, we are seeing asks of men to be sponsors so as to pave the way to more opportunities for women? Will there be a day where we finally no longer even need to rely on men to be sponsors?

Are we really hiring on merit if everything else being equal, we just cannot find a woman to fill a certain position? Or is there something else we need to address to ensure there are enough female talent to fill the positions?

Just how far have we come in curbing unconscious bias and systemic bias?

I don’t have answers to these questions in all honesty but I just remember how my father made me feel back then. No different from my brother as in what he could accomplish, I could accomplish too. No special treatment and we both could pursue the educational pathways we wanted. And we both would get punished if we skipped school.

So why is it so much more complex in the working world? Is it down to whoever is at the top making that first decision, causing a domino effect, which in turn leads to a male dominated culture and unconscious/conscious bias?

As we note this year’s theme for International Women’s Day to be - Invest in women: Accelerate progress, companies and their board members should perhaps ask themselves seriously just how far they have progressed beyond just ticking off a checklist and gender and diversity quota.

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Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Corporate Succession Planning: When the King of the Jungle Vacates and Monkeys Run Amok

I liken the corporate environment for certain organizations to a jungle sometimes in terms of the power plays that come into the picture when the king of the jungle vacates its position for whatever reason.

This happens often in organizations that are undergoing transitions or that lack a good succession plan to prepare for senior movements. This, I have come to observe is regardless of organizational size and years in existence. The situation worsens for sure if both are true for the organization - lack of a good succession plan when you are undergoing a transition.

When it comes to succession planning, just having bums to fill seats is not good enough. It needs to be the right bum for the right seat so you avoid a square peg in a round hole situation. You also need to ensure these transitional leaders are actually capable of leading and not just PowerPoint slide reviewers or campaign and content approvers since both roles can be replaced by Gen AI strictly speaking.

By leading it means, they need to be capable of planning, developing a strategy and capable of engaging their new teams as part of the planning process. In short, treat them like people that matter and not treat them as just arms and legs to do the work that you don’t wish to do or are incapable of doing yourself.

This is also where the power plays start coming into the picture like monkeys having a field day calling the shots and insisting that every animal should only eat fruits and nuts like them and swing around by their tails from tree to tree because that is how they know to eat, live and act. There is a reason why monkeys are not the king of the jungle just as there is a difference between a leader versus a manager by appointment.

Although it’s normal to have layers of reporting lines if you have a huge team of more than 15 people or where you need to split the team into sub functions and appoint team leads or function leads, I personally believe every leader should still remain connected with even the most junior member of their team. This is especially during times of transition and if you are a newly minted lead. Until you are fully confident and sure of your functional leads or team leads’ capabilities as well as alignment on the way forward as a team, you should ensure the rest of the team is not left behind in terms of important communications, planning sessions and not being relinquished to silent executors or you will end up with a bunch of quiet quitters.

The power plays become more evident especially when you have team leads or functional leads who are actually in a square peg, round hole situation and act out their insecurities with a few obvious actions, including:

  • pushing down work and delegating all the hard to do stuff to their one-downs, who might not even be able to do the work without guidance or clear direction of how this fits into the intended plan or bigger picture. I.e. they are told to just do blindly.

  • fighting for the limelight by focusing on presenting the nice and showy stuff instead of doing actual work that matters to customers. I.e. power point becomes their best friend and their one-downs spent most of their time doing slide after slide showcasing how well they have done, so they can in turn present that to their bosses.

  • taking credit for others’ work or worse, not giving credit to their one-downs for fear that they themselves will be made redundant.

  • thinking and acting selfishly by not working with other colleagues on projects that they know would be relevant to what they are doing currently and by working together, it would enhance the output. Instead, they choose to shut them off having access to the project so they can be seen as the sole owner for that project though it would create win-win outcomes for their customers.

Organizations therefore should always take succession planning and leadership development seriously, regardless of whether they are in transition mode or not. Succession planning should not be a game of thrones, musical chairs or a case of appointing people you are familiar with or like even if they don’t actually have the capability to be that bum on the seat without breaking the chair.

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Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Marketing is not just a change of underwear

Someone once asked me what I do as “a marketing person” in a bank. Too fatigued at that time to give a lengthy explanation, I simply said, “I take a bunch of old products, repackaged them a bit in terms of visuals and tagline, and make them look new”.  The person laughed and acknowledged it’s the same for his “marketing people” as well.

The above is partially true for most product marketing efforts and how it’s often applied across industries basically.

For example, Person A  wakes up one day and realises he’s been losing out to the hotter guys in the dating scene. He took one look at his wardrobe and his grimy face in the mirror, and decided to go for a makeover with a visit to the hair salon and hip downtown mall. With his trendy new look, he does attract some girls but then these girls just somehow don’t become lasting relationships, much to his exasperation.

Talking to some of his previous relationships, close friends and family members, he finally has an epiphany. He realises that due to his tendency to blow up at the slightest displeasure and having too big an ego to apologise thereafter, many of his relationships have failed to progress into something more serious. This means that regardless of how well-dressed he looks, as long as he doesn’t make an effort to change for the better, he will still likely to be a single, lonely and forlorn bachelor ten years down the road. He will date, yes but he cannot be in a relationship for long. In this situation, Person A can choose to go either way - 1) ignore the gaps and continue with just a physical makeover for short term gains or 2) to really spend time to overcome the gaps for longer term gains.

The above is a very simple way of demonstrating the difference between two different business scenarios - 1) a business that simply sells products by repackaging and/or redesigning on the surface or by throwing freebies to attract customers only to have them churn after a year or two or 2) a business who actually makes an effort to transform the mechanics and/or features of their product or service offering in order to keep up with changing customer needs/demands in order to build longer lasting relationships with them.

Based on the same example, if the business realises what is the real problem with its products and make an effort to actually improve them to better cater to the needs of the same customer base, they will find it easier to start building relationships with them. To put it blindly, it’s not as simple as just changing your underwear.

This improvement actually moves the business from selling just a product to selling a solution that resolves a problem or need for their customers  – ahead or on par with its competitors.

Again, as organisations move towards solution-selling, they also increasingly realise how daunting a move this is and that it goes beyond just making changes to its products but the way it operates too. Story for another post.

That said, this doesn’t dispel the need for marketing and promotions. It simply means that businesses should move first from product to solution-selling before it goes out to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Meanwhile, before organisations make this move, most marketers can only continue to “make a bunch of old products look new”. As a self respecting marketer, we should also seek to influence the business positively to move towards solution selling by making consistent effort to engage them in our planning and vice versa. Marketing doesn’t exist on its own but more as an enabler of the business to be that voice to bring their proposition to life.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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What I learnt about Customer Centricity in Japan

While I pride myself to be largely empathetic and customer centric in thinking and approach, I learnt something new and meaningful as well in my recent travel to Osaka and Kyoto. The experience epitomizes the true spirit of customer centricity and provided lessons for me as well in my thinking and approach.

During our trip, all our various interactions have left a deep and lasting impression on the service and customer oriented mindset of the Japanese living and working there. From the big actions taken to the smaller details observed, even when things didn’t go as planned, they more than made up for it.

Experience one - we left a bag of personal belongings in the driver’s car and he unfortunately lost touch with us and our guide as his mobile phone malfunctioned. We were initially anxious and even disappointed that he wasn’t at the pick up location for our next pit stop. Our cynical minds started wondering about all sorts of scenarios, including lost items and what-nots. Turned out, he was equally anxious and was shuffling to and from various places he thought we would be, before he finally dropped the bag off at our accommodation during dinner time. The next morning, he arrived bright and early with a little token of apology though he didn’t have to and showed us not one but 4 mobile phones he has brought along as back-up! In return, we got him a little gift token in exchange on our last day as we know tipping is considered as an insult to the Japanese.
Lesson learnt here - always place yourself in the shoes of the customer when trying to solve the problem at hand. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Experience two - the chefs, regardless of whether its the head chef or sous chef at all the small dining establishments would make an effort to see each set of diners out after their dinner, including ensuring they are able to get to their mode of transport. They would stand outside of their restaurant, seeing the guests off, which reminds us of a house owner seeing their guests off after a visit. The interactions with the service staff, be it hotels, cafes and shops were always unhurried and attentive even during peak periods. No one tried to peddle their stuff or hard-sell to us or the people around us. They went out of their way to show us the exact location of where certain things were if we looked uncertain. It shows us not just the hospitable side of the place as a whole but the pride as well they take in ensuring the experience with them is complete and satisfactory. The end result of this is that we were happy to buy or order more on our own accord without needing any push from them.
Lesson learnt here - take genuine pride and ensure you have a solid value proposition in what you do and offer as a complete service to your target customer. This goes a long way in demonstrating the value you bring to them without needing to hard-sell.

Experience three - We were enroute to a restaurant located at an obscure building and part of the city. The location was such that we would need to walk by foot after alighting though we were blissfully unaware of the fact. The wise and knowing taxi driver parked at the side of the road, stopped the meter and directed us all the way to the entrance of the building and showed us to the lift up to the restaurant with a big smile and zero hint of impatience. In another instance, we needed to head back after dinner but chose the wrong pick up location unknowingly. The second driver we encountered made the effort to find his way to us though we were at fault for choosing the wrong pick up location at an obscure spot. Throughout the process, he was polite and extremely patient with us and when he reached our pick-up spot, he remained cheery and even apologetic though we were in the wrong! The end result of these two incidents were that we were equally apologetic for causing much hassle and provided tips through the app to try and make up for the lost time and additional mileage they needed to cover in order to help us.
Lesson learnt here - although the customer is not always right, the point is not to harp on mistakes or who is right or wrong. Instead, enable your employees to use such situations to identify opportunities to create a win-win outcome.

I know that providing consistent good customer experience and service is tough and the truth is, not everyone is cut out for it. It helps to have the right mindset to start with and I always believe as well that it starts from how organizations treat their own employees and enable them with the right mindset as happy employees will often result in happy customers. It’s a type of pay it forward attitude.

Although good customer experience don’t always pay off in terms of direct or immediate revenue or growth, it does pave the way to longer term rewards and loyalty. The current consumer psyche is also such that catering for such experiences should almost be a given and not conditional based on how much commercial value you think you can derive out of each customer. This is especially if you are not the only player in the market offering the same set of products and services. What differentiates you could also be the experience you offer as a whole. It could be part of your total value proposition.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Helping Employees Cope with Transitions & Transformation

When companies go through transformation and restructuring, it’s almost inevitable that some roles might be displaced. Similar to coping with loss and grief, some employees are more emotionally and mentally impacted than others, be it whether they are the ones being displaced or seeing their peers or managers being displaced.

Just based on personal experience of what’s been done well and what has room for improvement, companies who are truly people centric will try to do the following to help their employees:

1) redesign the roles that are to be displaced and work with the employees to reskill and realign to the new scope if possible

2) help the displaced employees to look for alternative roles within the organization and options for them to be reskilled if needed

3) help the displaced employees to look for roles outside of the organization and options for reskilling, coaching, counselling and resume reviews where needed.

I have intentionally positioned this in sequential order as I think companies should ideally start from 1) and utilize 3) as the very last resort. I recall when I was involved in a transformation exercise in a previous company, I had to go through this flow and after discussing with the direct manager and CEO potential options, I eventually went with 2) for the employee concerned as it was simply the right thing to do in order to be truly people centric and empathetic. Also from a business viability perspective, as long as your company is still planning to remain in business, you will save more time, resources and money with 1) and 2) as the recruitment as well as onboarding process usually take an average of 6 months to a year in totality, depending on the seniority of the role.

There is a reason why certain talents are hired to join you in the first place and it should go beyond their hard skills or academic background to the soft skills. These employees should also have accumulated new skills and knowledge with you as their employer over the years. If you say these are no longer needed, it’s as good as shooting yourself in the foot and saying you have basically not done a good job with developing your own employees with viable skills to help your company’s growth. The question then you also need to ask yourself is - what have you been doing all this while? What processes then do you need to relook to improve upon that?

In terms of employees who are impacted by other employees leaving in option 2) and 3), it is ideal for companies and their senior leadership to be both transparent and timely in communicating such impact to them. Openly acknowledge the decisions made and consult the outplaced employee beforehand as well if he/she would prefer to be present when the news is shared or would prefer to be the one sharing the news to his/her team concerned.

Importantly, acknowledge the contributions of the displaced employee and be transparent as well if the remaining employees are to expect further displacements to take place. Be upfront of the options explored and offered as well, so they know what to expect if their own roles are likely to be transformed or made obsolete during the transformation process.

Be sure to avail avenues of two-way communications to them, be it directly to the senior leadership or an independent channel similar to a counselling hotline for those who just want a listening ear to voice their fears and distress.

Companies and their leaders should always bear in mind that their decisions and actions, including the way they have handled the entire process and managed the communications will have a downstream impact on their employer brand reputation. Such impact is often longstanding and no amount of employer related awards can help salvage once the damage is done.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Why Brand Management is Everyone’s Responsibility

Something I’m sure that has every marketing leader or brand leader tearing their hair out besides seeing their brand scores tank is when they get all the blame for it. If only brand preference building and management is as easy as putting out your brand ad on a big bus, taxi or whichever platform that gets as many eyeballs as possible. If so, why not just put it on a huge sky scrapper (hey that’s done before actually!).

Such tactics (I call them tactics and not strategies) work better for “will you marry me” types of wedding proposals but to build brand preference, it takes way more than that. Similar to good customer experience management, brand management takes the whole organization, including your client facing employees and your client facing touchpoints to help uplift your brand.

Firstly, your brand needs to serve a purpose and address a need or multiple needs for your defined target customers. Secondly, you need to know what differentiates you from your competitors even if you are selling the same things. Just like Pepsi and Coca Cola, both are cola drinks but both have their differentiating factors and ultimately, appeal. Thirdly, is your brand voice, message and identity that you are bringing to life through your marketing campaigns, news about your organization, things that your client facing teams are telling your clients or prospects, right down to the things you do in the broader public facing community. Finally, you need to clearly define as well as upkeep the key channels you are positioning your brand on that serve as a communication touchpoint with your target audience.

Many business leaders think the buck stops with the marketing campaigns but the trickiest part about brand management is how to make your target audience see you the way you want to be perceived. This approach leads to a dystopia state of brand reputation and perception as you will see almost conflicting activities and messages being shared from your organization by various business functions working in silos but not realizing they are all trying to steer the same ship to avoid hitting an iceberg. This is because everyone ends up trying to chart their own course to reach the same destination instead of playing to their strengths and working as a team.

There is nothing more dysfunctional than multiple teams trying to launch different variations of what they think your brand stands for in order to meet their own KPIs (key performance indicators). A tactical offer, is not a brand management strategy, a segment representation is not a brand management strategy and a campaign telling people how good you are is certainly not a brand management strategy but all this will affect the perception of your brand. Companies need to take a giant step back to reflect on what you are trying to position out there in terms of your brand identity and whether that still stays true to the fundamental reason you deserve to exist as a brand that customers care about.

The third and last part of the brand management aspect is actually also the hardest to maintain. You have to make sure your client facing touchpoints are keeping up with the demand from a tech, process and user design perspective so nothing falls through the cracks for your customers trying to engage with you. Concurrently, you need to have a joint-up approach in what you do and say to your target audience, including the timeliness and/or appropriateness of certain actions or messages. It goes beyond having a good crisis communications protocol.

For example, if your digital platform or servicing touchpoint is having a breakdown, you definitely do not want your key spokesperson to go out with a media commentary boasting about how great your digital or client servicing capabilities are or run an ad showcasing “seamless digital or client servicing capabilities”.

It’s more important to ensure business functions are working collaboratively as part of business-as-usual in keeping each other abreast, including your brand, marketing and communications team when something breaks or if they are preparing for a major enhancement so they can pre-empt the customer impact for the better or for the worse. Your management meetings should have a cadence to exchange such information so it can be cascaded to working group level to formulate a pre-emptive and proactive communications and customer management approach.

Simply said, the brand is the soul of the company and everyone is responsible for brand and reputation management but in the right way and not just checking off a list.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Why Is It Hard for CMOs to Transform Their Teams

Any sort of transformation is disruptive to business-as-usual (BAU) and any disruption to BAU also means that productivity is hampered. Amidst trying to meet business and marketing goals, targets and objectives, CMOs and their teams often find it hard to simply adhere to BAU and transform concurrently, and you cannot blame them.

CEOs and COOs simply have to first understand that the transformation journey is not a simple one where you can see the end of the tunnel right from the beginning of where you start. It’s more like a long winding road with hoops, turns and circles, depending on the complexity of the problems you are trying to unpack, the processes you need to overhaul to the skillset and mindsets of the people you need to enhance and change.

It throws a spanner into the works and takes time away from the CMOs and their one-downs to even try and formulate a plan swiftly while still carrying the major decisions they need to make to deliver their plans on time. Often times, they simply don’t know where or how to start without putting a halt to certain initiatives, campaigns or programs.

It is also a case of over familiarity and attachment to current processes, tools and scope of work that can build up an inertia for change of any sort that calls for an overhaul of the marketing department. While some companies choose to refresh their CMO leadership team, they find themselves in an even worse-off situation.

Why you may ask. Well, if you look at it objectively, a new CMO as in any new leadership person who just joins an organization will need to learn about the culture, processes, team capabilities from scratch. That is the so-called teething or onboarding period where the old team is likely to view the new leadership with suspicion and is less open to sharing information on how things actually work for fear of judgment.

Worse, you expect the CMO to already have a plan on how to transform while trying to settle into the organization without knowing the ins and outs of how things work. This journey itself will take at least 9 months to a year to complete before transformation can actually take place. It definitely cannot be a cookie-cutter approach that the CMO brings and applies from their previous company as every company is unique. Also, not all CMOs even have that approach they can rely on, which means even more time trying to plan or learn it from scratch.

In my experience working with various leadership and organizational structures, often I find that as marketing leaders, we are not given a lot of leeway and time to transform, resulting in having to look at quick and cheap wins, often at the expanse of people. This is not ideal nor is it sustainable even if you see initial positive results in terms of either business or marketing returns. These results are often not sustainable for longer term growth and retention of their key talents.

This is simply because good people who are working for something beyond just a pay check would not want to be associated with such an organizational culture. And that culture is often changed for the worse or established as a result of the hasty changes to be made.

It might be worth considering having independent third parties partnering with you and your CMO to help alleviate some of the pressure of planning for that change, so they can still focus 100% on the BAU to keep the engine running on full tank. After all, that is what you are paying your CMO for and not simply to do a once-off transformation. In other words, think bigger picture and longer term.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Leading Others, Managing Self

I believe that leadership is something that is attributed by others and not something that you bestowed upon yourself. Management on the other hand is given as a result of your title and official responsibility but leadership is earned and not given.

Having spent the last two decades both being managed under various types of leaders and managing others, I can safely say I have a pretty clear idea of the type of leadership that works for me. Alongside that, I also have a good idea of the type of leader I aspire to be.

I believe that leadership is something that is attributed by others and not something that you bestowed upon yourself. Management on the other hand is given as a result of your title and official responsibility but leadership is earned and not given.

I have met several outstanding managers who are inspiring leaders that command respect no matter where they go and what they do. 

On deeper reflection, I have narrowed down to the following admirable traits that serve as a personal guide to me:

  • Knowing what you want and how to get it

Good leaders are decisive, confident in their decisions and not easily influenced and swayed without good and sound reasoning. They don’t let their emotions get the better of them, especially in times of extreme stress and pressure. Eagle-eyed in their target and end goal, they know the path to victory and though the course might change along the way, the end goal is crystal clear once their minds are made up.

Instead, they inspire others and ignite excitement in them to follow their vision and work jointly in their own ways to achieve success.

  • Good decisions are not always popular

If they are in only to be popular, they will never be a convincing leader that does the right thing. Leadership is not meant to be a popularity contest. The best leaders often make the most difficult and unpopular decisions if these are deemed to be for the greater good in the long run.

They are not afraid to face up to the judgment of the people especially those who don’t see the benefit of it from the onset. They know they cannot please everyone and their purpose is not to please everyone but to do what is right.

  • Empowerment, trust and impartiality

Everyone has a place and a role to fulfil within the organization in accordance to their expertise and talent. Good leaders know and appreciate that. They know they are not supposed to know everything and be able to do everything themselves. Instead, they empower and trust the people working with them to do exactly that and giving advice where needed along the way.

Importantly, they don’t let the politics get in the way of empowering and disempowering people to take on certain responsibilities for the common goal they set out to achieve. Micromanagement and favouritism have no place in good leadership.

  • Admitting to your own fallacies

We are not meant to be saints and good leaders know that. They don’t let their egos get in the way of admitting to their mistakes when certain wrong decisions have been made. Instead, they bite the bullet like everyone else, are not afraid to apologize and own up to it instead of throwing their employees under the bus.

Good leaders know as well that when mistakes are made, there is no time for finger pointing. They don’t get lost in their mistakes and wallow in them for too long. Instead, they quickly pivot to the right course of action, taking recommendations as well where needed from the people they have empowered. 

  • Having your life together

It’s not about having the perfect life, if there is such a thing but keeping how you manage it in check. Everyone has their own issues to sort through but what’s more important is how you deal with your personal versus professional life.

Good leaders are not emotional rollercoasters and by that it doesn’t mean to be a cold and heartless person. Instead, it is to be able to compartmentalize and segregate the issues and whatever emotions you’re facing at the home front and the work front.

An easy way to do a sound check on yourself is when you observe people walking on tip toes around you and do ‘weather checks’ before they speak to you.

  • Being connected and seeing the bigger picture

Interpersonal connection doesn’t come naturally to most people. This has to do with the level of connectivity you have with the team on the ground and understanding their challenges and issues faced.

It’s only then that you can see the bigger picture of how it works and how your team can put their skills and talent to good use collectively. It involves looking beyond their background, what they have done on the surface and actually understanding them as a person, how they work and mentoring them to be better.

Good leaders should not find themselves so far removed from the ground that they no longer see the complete picture but a blurry mirage that will soon be out of their grasp of reality.

Personally good leaders and managers should not be mutually exclusive but the former is a lot harder to achieve. There is no golden rulebook or educational pathway to being a good leader. 

Some people do have certain personality traits that put them in a more favourable position then others but all in all, it comes as part of our experience on the field and willingness to learn, adapt and improve.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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Who rules - Preference or Performance Marketing?

Companies who are still keeping two separate team strategies between performance and preference marketing are setting themselves up for longer term failure

Such companies are failing to connect the dots between full funnel marketing and over simplifying the consumer decision making process and mindset.

This is especially in the digital ad space where borders are blurred or non-existent and privacy settings no longer allow for precision targeting the way we desire.

Preference and performance simply should go hand in hand as end day, we don’t simply blow marketing dollars for the sake of it. What’s awareness to someone is consideration to another and conversion to someone else, depending on the decision making journey your customer sits in relation to the product or service and your company.

This is certainly not that new, when I went through the Google certification course back in 2019 but am still surprised that some are only talking about this in recent years.

What’s more shocking is the way some companies are still insisting on measuring marketing returns on investment by not having attribution beyond vanity impressions, page views and clicks on pretext that it’s just for awareness. On the other end of the spectrum is insisting that if a certain ad doesn’t result in immediate conversion, then it’s a failed campaign on pretext it’s for performance.

Whatever happened to looking at the funnel, who you really are trying to target, where in the decision making funnel they are at, how compelling is whatever you are offering, and ensure you are connecting the dots on your messaging in different formats, in order to determine the right metrics to measure at each touchpoint?

Example – this week, you have an ad talking about how xx product will help solve xx issue that customers face today. A few days later, you have another ad referring to the same product promoted on a site that your target customers frequent. A few days later, you serve up another ad that has a tactical offer with a buy by xx date.

Companies who know who they are targeting and who are responding to their ads versus those who aren’t, will create segmented lists that differentiate the two. They will use one for remarketing with differentiated messaging to help catch their target customers along the funnel with the above messaging and offer so they maximize their media budget. This process should ideally be automated.

Another critical thing to do is to try to get target customers to sign up and start a relationship with you, by giving them reason to of course through insights, tips or deals that matter to them, especially critical with the sunsetting of cookies.

This goes hand in hand with understanding their digital footprint so you have a multi-dimensional view of your target customers as real people with interests, preferences and needs, beyond outdated attributes like age.

All in all, companies need to invest in the full funnel and have different measurements for each stage of the funnel.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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The Sandwiched Leadership

The majority of us who have been working for at least two decades and grown into people management roles can probably identify with what I’m about to say.

Not all of us are able to move into the C-Suite level at this point, meaning the bulk of us would be sitting somewhere in mid to upper mid management with direct and indirect reports.

Concurrently, we would also have both direct and indirect managers hovering above us and around us.

This makes us a sandwiched leadership as we constantly need to think about upwards and downwards management and best ways to manage both without tipping that intricate balance.

Team management is not something for everyone nor does having the title automatically makes you a ‘real’ manager.

Having been in roles where I have inherited teams and grown teams from scratch, each has its own unique challenges but also satisfaction when the team flourishes over time.

Team management is also not about micromanaging or throwing them into the pits and leaving them to their own demise. Again, it’s a fine line as it depends as well between individuals. One man’s meat is another man’s poison as we say.

It’s also not about talking down or talking up for that matter but about paving the way to enable your team’s success while managing your bosses’ expectations and enabling their own success.

We are not expected to know everything and be a specialist in every single area that we’re managing but rather, we need to have the strategic view, forward looking vision and appreciation of the ground up challenges and pitfalls to be addressed.

The majority of our time is spent anticipating issues and identifying ways to prevent or address them. We also need to balance the dynamics of the team’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, chemistry and expectations towards each other. The last part is simply shielding them from the upper management’s own expectations, pressures and politics so they can function seamlessly.

It’s not a walk in the park and one thing at least to me for sure is that one can never effectively lead a team to succeed without genuinely caring for them as people.

With that said, I think the sandwiched managers have it the hardest and it’s also not surprising that many have given up, especially when they don’t get the appreciation or support needed from their managers as well as their own teams.

Some simply decided to go back to being individual contributors while others might decide to just venture out to smaller companies where they can be the top management instead with a more manageable leadership structure.

There’s no right or wrong but companies who truly cherish talent and their people should pay more attention to the sandwiched managers before it’s too late.

In my upcoming post(s), I’ll highlight a few key challenges facing sandwiched managers, the impact they have on business continuity and culture, as well as how companies can better support them.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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The Dying Empathetic Leadership

Empathy is something not every senior management or leader has unfortunately and it’s very telling in their behind-the-scenes speech and actions.

In all my years of working, I have come across very few truly empathetic leaders who are genuine in their treatment of their employees and customers.

Some I wish I can work with them longer when I choose to move on for other reasons as I know they would have taught me a lot more than I know now in terms of thinking, doing and communicating with empathy.

Empathy is something not every senior management or leader has unfortunately and it’s very telling in their behind-the-scenes speech and actions.

It’s undervalued simply because leaders don’t really get rated on their ability to connect with their employees and treat them with empathy.

I have witnessed many failures in terms of leaders in 1) not communicating emphatically to their people, 2) not showing true empathy in trying to understand the challenges faced by their workforce and 3) not listening with empathy when their employees provide feedback through forums.

It ends up being lip service or more trying to appear to do what is expected of them to look good and not because they genuinely care.

Classic examples are when there are organizational layoffs or restructuring.

The onset of how decisions are made have nothing to do with empathy but rather the bottom line of cost, profitability and returns.

That is why things never really change for the better in the longer term for most organizations and their leaders that make decisions without empathy.

Over the years, I have been privy to how such decisions are made, sometimes callously and without even sound logic. Rather, it’s more a stop-gap and band-aid approach where true impact on the people are not even considered in the decision making process.

What is worse though is the way such changes are communicated or not communicated to the workforce.

They talk about stock prices, shareholders equity and customers but forget their employees, the backbone of the company carrying that mission on their shoulders and believing in the promises made during the town halls, leadership emails and pep talks.

Poorly worded communications, which is as clear as mud and clueless management sitting around trying to find the right things to say or lend some insights to their team doesn’t help either.

Good, solid, reliable and empathetic corporate communications is a dying art in this sense.

For any self respecting CEO, my advice is to at least make sure you have a solid and empathetic communications advisor if you, yourself are not empathetic by nature.

Empathy might not bring you immediate revenue but it will have longer term benefits to the organization as you will make decisions that actually solve problems for both your customers and employees for the longer term.

Less attrition, less churn and more sustainable growth.

About the Author

Mad About Marketing Consulting 

Ally for CMOs, Heads of Marketing and C-Suites to work with you and your marketing teams to maximize your marketing potential with strategic transformation for better business and marketing outcomes.

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